Powered by Reapit - Agentbox

A seamless transition
for your real estate data

Discover flexible data migration options tailored to your needs, ensuring a smooth transition of your valuable data, from point A to point Agentbox.

How Agentbox does data migration

Our data import service, managed internally by the Agentbox Data Team, efficiently imports the hundreds or thousands of contacts your agency has accumulated over the years.

While some client input may be required post-implementation, such as creating past appraisals, our service significantly reduces manual data entry time.

We ensure data cleanliness by removing duplicates during import, guaranteeing an accurate database. Additionally, we facilitate listings import from REA, incorporating current and historical listing information.

Note: For more details and a personalised quote, contact your Agentbox representative.

Fundamental Data Import

A Fundamentals Import is the preferred method when client data is stored in a spreadsheet or an unrecognised CRM by our data team.

Approved Data Sources: Excel spreadsheet, REX, Zenu, LockedOn, H1, My Desktop, Vault RE, Box + Dice


Contacts (names, numbers, emails, addresses)

Agents (names, numbers, emails)

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Checkbox Icon - Agentbox
Checkbox Icon - Agentbox
Checkbox Icon - Agentbox

Link between contacts and agents (i.e. contact ownership)

Listing & historical data imported from REA

Notes, tasks, related properties or appraisals

Contacts associated to listings (i.e. vendor, landlord, buyer)

Enquiries recorded against listings

Record of open home attendees against listings

Letter, SMS or email templates

Migration Task

A Basic Data Import represents the minimum level of data transfer we can undertake from an approved data source.

Approved Data Sources: REX, Zenu, LockedOn, H1, My Desktop, Vault RE, Box + Dice

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Migration Task

Contacts (names, numbers, emails, addresses)

Contact categories (tags applied in your current CRM)

Buyer and/or tenant requirements (price range, features, etc.)

Notes made against contacts

Link between contacts & agents (i.e. contact ownership)

Agents (names, numbers, emails)

Listing and historical data imported from REA

Contacts associated with listings (i.e vendor, landlord)

Tasks, related properties or appraisals


Enquiries recorded against listings

Record of open home attendees against listings

Letting, SMS or email templates

A Complex Data Import represents an advanced level of data transfer from an approved source.

Approved Data Sources: My Desktop, Vault RE, Box + Dice

Migration Task

Contacts (names, number, emails, address)

Contact categories (tags applied to contacts in your current CRM)

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Checkbox Icon - Agentbox
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Checkbox Icon - Agentbox
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Buyer and/or tenant requirements (price range, features, etc.)

Notes made against contacts, properties and appraisals

Agents (names, numbers, emails)

Link between contacts and agents (i.e. contact ownership)

Listing and historical data imported from REA

Tasks set in previous systems (without action plans or trails)

Related properties and appraisals, with associated contacts

Contacts associated to listings (i.e. vendor, landlord)

Letter, SMS or email templates

Record of open home attendees against listings

Enquiries recorded against listings


A Comprehensive Data Import is our most advanced level of data transfer from an approved source. It minimises post-launch data entry for clients.

Approved Data Sources: REX, Zenu, Box + Dice

Migration Task

Contacts (names, number, emails, address)

Contact categories (tags applied to contacts in your current CRM)

Notes made against contacts, properties and appraisals

Buyer and/or tenant requirements (price range, features, etc.)

Agents (names, numbers, emails)

Link between contacts and agents (i.e. contact ownership)

Listing and historical data imported from REA

Tasks set in previous systems (without action plans or trails)

Related properties and appraisals, with associated contacts


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Checkbox Icon - Agentbox
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Allocating contact relationships to a listing (vendor, landlord, etc.)

Previous OFI attendees

Notes & tasks against a listing

Contacts associated to listings (i.e. vendor, landlord, etc.)

Record of open home attendees against listings

Letter, SMS or email templates

Enquiries recorded against listings

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