Powered by Reapit - Agentbox

A seamless transition
for your real estate data

Discover flexible data migration options tailored to your needs, ensuring a smooth transition of your valuable data, from point A to point Agentbox.

Need something more robust?

Agentbox also offers data migration outsourced to a Third-Party Data Specialist, which we recommend when client data requirements surpass our internal capabilities or when the data source is unsupported.

Agentbox recommends Chris Quinn of CQ Corporation, who assesses data quality and advises on migration levels. With extensive experience in handling complex data sets, they accommodate various needs, including multiple sources or higher data import levels.

Chris offers obligation-free consultations and presents four standard import options (detailed below). Costs for data reformatting are provided post-consultation.

Note: Agentbox charges a final fee of $800 plus GST for receiving and importing data from Chris Quinn.

Third-Party Data Migration

Data Module


Agent profiles - Create an agent record/ profile for each staff member.

Agent record count - Provide a schedule of contacts linked to each agent so the client can choose to reassign contacts to another agent if necessary.

Contact information cleaning - Clean contact data, including removing incomplete numbers and emails, ensuring mobile work numbers appear in mobile field, etc.

Contact notes & task -
Format notes and tasks and link these to the relevant contact so the full communication history is migrated. Notes are individually date-stamped and organised into chronological order with the relevant agent referenced against each item.

Contact subscriptions -
Configure contact subscriptions correctly (e.g. if a contact is active but isn’t subscribed to newsletter, then they cannot receive any electronic correspondence).

Contact classes -
Provide a schedule of categories and how these map to the Agentbox classes so the client can understand how the different database segments are classified. Once the contact class structure is approved, the contact records will be updated.

Contact requirements -
Format contact’s property criteria (budgets, property type, property size, locations, etc.) and link these to contacts.

Contact de-duplication & merging -
Format data through a 20-step process to identify duplicated, merge or delete the data, and create relationships between records.



Data Module


Property records - Create property records (Agentbox calls these prospect properties).

Property notes - Format property notes and link these to the relevant property.

Property de-duplication & merging - Match and merge duplicate property records.

Property owners - Link contacts to properties in the role of owner or past owner.

Appraisal records - Create appraisal records to ensure the client’s current sales pipeline is migrated.

Prospective vendor -
Link contacts to appraisals to ensure potential vendors can be tracked and managed in Agentbox.

Appraisal agent -
Link agents to appraisals to ensure each agent can manage their current pipeline.

Current & past listings - Agentbox will obtain an XML feed of your current and past listings from REA. These records will be linked by Agentbox to the relevant property. This includes photos, advertising copy, sale price, sale date and selling agent/s, but will not include any contacts (as this is not retained by REA).

Includes all elements of base-level migration.





Data Module

Includes all elements of base-level and mid-level migrations.

Linking past purchases & past vendors - Adds the additional step of linking past vendors and purchasers to the relevant listing from REA so an agency has a complete picture of a property and contact’s history. Please note that this is not possible without first completing the mid-level migration.




Data Module

Included all elements of base, mid and high-level migrations.

Linking past buyers - Adds the additional step of linking past buyers to the relevant listing from REA so an agency has a complete picture of a past sales campaign and can use that to promote future listings.




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