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Your Agentbox QuickStart Guide

Welcome to the new Agentbox! Your journey starts now with essential steps and must-dos to swiftly launch into success with your Premium features. Let's dive in and make things happen!

First up...

Step 1

Retrieve your Agentbox Digital login

In order to access Agentbox Proposals and Auto Responders, you will be required to set up a login for Agentbox Digital. The details for this process have been emailed to you.

Follow the Agentbox Onboarding Checklist - Agentbox
Step 2

Open the Agentbox Help Centre

The Agentbox Help Centre serves as the definitive guide for mastering everything related to Agentbox—and it's an invaluable resource for setting up your office's new features!

Agentbox Help Centre
Follow the Agentbox Onboarding Checklist - Agentbox
Step 3

Note the access level required for each step

Some aspects of Premium feature set-up must be completed by the appropriate Admin-level user in your office. Please note which steps have an *Office Admin Only tag and seek out your office's Admin-level user to complete these steps.  

Activate your Premium Products - Agentbox
Use Automation to Your Advantage - AgentboxLearn with Agenbox Academy - AgentboxFollow the Agentbox Onboarding Checklist - Agentbox


Activate Prospector Icon - Agentbox

1 - Connect your CoreLogic account

* All users

This is so Prospector can connect with on-the-market data.

Use Prospector - Agentbox

2 - Create core areas

* Office Admins only

Your Office Admin can create core areas for all agents.

Configure Auto Responders Icon - Agentbox

3 - Assign core areas

* Office Admins only

Your Office Admin can assign core areas to all agents.

Agentbox Auto Responders

Once activated for your office, Auto Responders will immediately begin sending automatically with our templated responses. To customise responses for each live listing, follow the steps below.

Email Icon - Agentbox

1 - Receive set-up email

* Office Admins only

Once Auto Responders have been activated for your office, your Office Admin will receive a notice, and you will receive your login details via email.

Real Estate Icon - Agentbox

2 - Navigate to available listings

* All users

Under an available listing in the CRM and on the General Tab you will find the 'Auto Responder' button. This will redirect you to log in to Agentbox Digital.

Experience Icon - Agentbox

3 - Update Responders as needed

* All users

Once logged in to Agentbox Digital, you can edit the copy for the listing you selected in the CRM, along with all other active listings.

Agentbox Proposals

Please be aware that your access to Agentbox Proposals is coming soon. Expect further communication from us in the coming days to finalise the setup for this feature.

Debits & Credits

Activate Auto Responders Icon - Agentbox

1 - Contact Agentbox Support

* Office Admins only

When you're ready to start using the  Debits & Credits module, get in touch with our team at support@agentbox.com.au.

Activate Prospector Icon - Agentbox

2 -Complete initial set-up

* Office Admins only

Our team will guide you through the setup process, but extra info can be accessed here.

3 - Get familiar

* Office Admins only

Use the Agentbox Help Centre to familiarise yourself with Debits & Credits. You'll find a how-to guide for everything you need!

User Manual - Agentbox

Agentbox Help Centre

Unlock the solution with just a few clicks – it might be closer than you think

Your Go-To for Guidance

The Agentbox Help Centre serves as the definitive guide for mastering everything related to Agentbox—an invaluable resource for users seeking comprehensive how-to information.

Tip: We recommend bookmarking this page to your browser so you can reference it any time you need it!

Getting Started with Premium: 
eLearning Course

The Agentbox Academy is the central learning resource centre of all things Agentbox. It spans across our CRM, mobile apps, websites, digital proposals - You name it, we've got it.

Our incredible training team have put together an eLearning course to help you get up-to-speed with your new Premium products.

The Agentbox Academy also offers personalised workshop packages for your team or agency and can be delivered onsite or via online consulting. Our team are here to help and can customise training to suit your needs.

Support at Agentbox

Agentbox Support

Customer Support Phone Hours
Monday to Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm AEDT
Customer Support Closures
NSW Public Holidays
8:00am - 5:00pm AEDT
Support Image - Agentbox